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 Post subject: Radio signal
PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 11:46 pm 

Joined: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:18 am
Posts: 2

I modified my old Electra MPC 330 to use P-90s.
The rotary switch I might put back in, but for the moment I am using a three position toggle.
The P-90s are four wired.

Now I write for aid for I am totally confused.

The effects were passing through clear and loud, but the pickups weren't passing signal.
I started over.
Now, I can only hear the guitar signal if I flip the toggle switches.
That effects can't be heard.

Now when I started looking for a lose old solder I noticed that the orange wire that links the two toggles if I touched it the effects could be heard in a muffled manner, with a radio station booming loud and rather clear. Touching several different points on the toggle 6 points would cause this. Further, the guitar signal was being passed.

So do I have a grounding issue? Is this copper shielding? What ought I look for? All the soldering for the toggles and control pots looks good.

Oh, I have a phaser and one of John's modded powerdrives. Both work.

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